Published On: August 15, 2024

45 thoughts on “Chapter 2: Part 15

  1. Lol. Only both Sleepy and Porcia could make a situation like this funny unintentionally. Yikes, good luck to the soldiers, it’s not looking good with whatever the hell they’re dealing with in there.

    1. They just aren’t phased by any of this yet are they? 😂

      Yeah. That is something much different than anything shown so far!

  2. WTH IS THAT!? If I squint at that panel it looks like some sort of demon face. Thank you for the nightmares 😂

    1. Haha! Sorry for the nightmares. True, not a bad interpretation, I can see that as well with enough focus 🙂

  3. What a gorgeously detailed episode. And well things just got insanely real (ʘᗩʘ’). What in the world is that blood spewing monster? It looks like that guy got hit by some sort of flame that took away most of his clothing. OMG so he just admits he and “Fox” are the murderers just like that? But they want her to know that? So many questions !

  4. Damn. They bout to die and bro lost almost all his clothes. This is what would happen in most anime fights if clothes weren’t invincible. They all gonna be naked next page if they not dead? 💀💀

    1. Dragon Ball Z but Goku’s naked after each ki blast lol.

      Don’t wanna spoil things like next pages potential injuries or potential deaths (if any more occur), but I can say Mar there will be the only soldier with clothes that tathered up from this. He got really unlucky lol. If he makes it out of this I’m sure he’d want heat resistant robes next mission 😂

  5. I wonder if that laughing soldier is possessed by this blood monster thing? Oh my god, I’m so nervous for Porcia and Sleepy. They’re facing off what looks like the main villain now 😰

  6. Sly_freaking_carpet

    Porcia what is wrong with you? Are a sociopath or really just unaware you got kidnapped by a murderer? 😭

  7. 우주야

    At this rate the ones in the elevator won’t make it out alive….

    1. Hopefully they make it! From an author perspective I’m of two minds with this, not always interesting when people die off without much development, on the other hand realistically in this world people will just die. So I try to find a middle ground, anyone I don’t have plans with to have major arcs or roles gets a D & D dice percentage for survival rate situations lol.

      1. 우주야

        That’s a good writing strategy.

        1. Thanks!!! And to expand on that characters that have more development or in the middle of a character arc still don’t have 100% plot armor, just to keep y’all on your toes XD. Also when I say “realistic” I mean more like the fictional verisimilitude or what I randomly choose to have “verisimilitude” or believability in the story. I definitely don’t apply that level of “realism” scrutiny to everything in this story lol

  8. * Ten seconds with Porcia*
    Ghoul Mask: “Shut Up! STFU! ” 💀

    1. 💀💀💀

  9. I love u Porcia. so simple and happy. 🥰The guy can maybe turn invisible? Maybe that’s why Sleepy can’t see anything.

    1. I do like Porcia too, she is always herself no matter the situation haha.

      That’s a great guess! We’ll see very soon. 🙂

  10. My god, can only imagine how long this must have taken you. What a detailed update. So much to sink your teeth into. This mystery is starting to become a little clearer. So it’s confirmed this man and “Fox” are the ones who caused the murders. But why say that so casually? Porcia and Sleepy are fearless given all the chaos. How old are they again by the way?

    1. Thank you!! It didn’t really take long. I get into a flow state with these things haha, but also 3D backgrounds, reusable assets and brushes and the like made it go faster than you think! Still it was a buttload of work despite this haha, something like 6-7 hours maybe? Not too bad for 60 ish panels but I want to get even faster >:D

      Oh yeah, the major characters in this case have been set (with the exception of a few more “suspects” that will come up soon). So now let’s see how much of this quagmire we can untangle! We spent a very brief time with Iri and Lin but there’s going to be a scene with them next page or the page after that that will flesh them out and this mystery a bit! Though I can say now there will def still be lots of unanswered stuff when this tunnels arc ends :O

      Yeah they certainly are hard to scare! Fun fact I was going to give a mini flashback here of Porcia and her mom but I found it disrupted the flow here a bit, found a more reflective scene to move it too, that may give more insight into her psyche heheh.

      They’re both 16!

  11. doradoesntexplore

    ooof. that’s high nightmare fuel.

  12. You know how you use 3D characters with 2D in a striking way. The ghoul mask looks so creepy.

    1. Thank you! One day I gotta make a video of my process, here honestly the visual distinction between the masked person and all the characters is intentional. It would actually be quicker for me to make them look more “2D” like the other characters, but I feel like the way they look here gives a more otherworldly and unnatural look!

  13. Good to see this back! Floating head doesn’t know who it’s messing with if it’s expecting obedience out of Porcia! Sleepy might not find her out there, but sure seems like that room is one of the better places to be right now!

    1. Thanks Cait!! It’s so great to be back, missed pushing this story forward. I’m also excited to mirror this on Comic Fury soon hehe!

      Lool right, out of all the people to expect obedience out of 😂

      You’re completely spot on with that, whatever’s going on in the elevator is not somewhere anyone wants to be right now!

  14. Now that I recently reread the story. I’m curious where the General is. He’s supposed to have been investigating this elevator right? I guess whatever is at the stop of this elevator is uh, deterring him at best.

    1. Haha yup, he definitely is supposed to! I can say we’ll pick up right after we last saw him real soon. It hasn’t been too long since this blood entity appeared and him opening that top floor elevator door, so if he is coming should be soon :).

      With him, the dozens of soldiers just now flooding the rest of the tunnels, and Iri and Lin now in full play, things are about to get interesting.

      1. I can’t wait to see more of LIn lmao.

        So we’re actually headed to the finale of this arc then eh? Cool beans.

        1. Man I can’t wait to show what he does next the guy is ridiculous lol.

          Yes!! We’re winding down now. More of a “case” than a full fledged story arc, but I can’t wait. Lots gonna happen. To the point that I’ve cut out a lot of stuff that’ll have to happen later. This case was really only supposed to a be a quick intro the characters and world with breadcrumbs. I don’t want to get carried away, gotta save that for Grand Phantasia arc lol. Can be hard to try and stay restrained but I’ve learned from my first bout with this story lool.

          There was gonna be a therapy scene referencing a bunch of Hegel, and other stuff but I’ve found a way to sort of close this out better I think. Also side note I’ve been playing “Control” again, that might come through in the final scenes of this case!

        2. Lin reminds me of someone I know it’s a bit uncanny. So you still going to bring in Socrates into this mess, or nah? lmao.

          Control is a really good game. Speaking of games. What engine are you guys using to make that one? The one you showed walking and jumping around with our favorite gendefluid prince? Unreal?

        3. Same here. Lin is def a character who is inspired at least partly by a real life person(s) haha.

          Yes, most likely! A quick look at the “real” historical Socrates soon lmaooo.

          It is! I love SCP stuff. It’s held up really well still.

          Yeah those clips I showed are actually of a different game I’m working with my brother, I just put Rabidus in there as a test character haha. But when I coordinate with some peeps to start an actual Final Paradise game it’s going to be Unity most likely! That reminds me I’m excited to bring our fav genderfluid prince back into this story too! Another reason to finish this case ASAP. He used to be the main character afterall haha. Will be fun to see his banter with Porcia and Sleepy again.

        4. I already see the influence of Control lol. I’m guessing that Elevator monster is a sort of Final Paradise SCP entity? Would the Kematian monster from earlier also be one in this universe?

        5. lol guilty. That’s a great question! What I can say is the big dinosaur lookign Kematian is really just a normal (but freaky looking) animal in this world. Actually spoiler below:


          what I can say is most of the weird stuff in this tunnel so far is either an animal, advanced tech, or a scooby doo esque villain :O. Though we’ll see to what extent all that is true eventually 🙂

        6. Scooby-Dooby. That sounds fun. Now I remember the Kematian being an animal, guess that does disqualify it from being an SCP entity. So is there anything in this world they’d consider “supernatural”?

        7. We shall definitely see eventually if that is or isn’t the case :D. Yeah, I find that kind of thing fun to do in sci fi/fantasy. Blur the lines a bit.

          Side note but ya know that I’m thinking about it I don’t even consider that previous comment a big spoiler, I feel kind of silly putting it in a tag haha. As much as I over blabber about my story I definitely just straight up stay tight lipped about things that I’d consider really earth shattering, but eh I think it’s “semi spoilery” enough to warrant a tag. I’ll probably use that more even for smaller stuff. That semi spoiler does tie into the finale of this case in a big way at least :).

  15. CODE RED. CODE RED. @$#@ hit the fan. What a beautiful existentially horrifying page. Now I just really hope Sleepy can save Porcia =L

    1. Hahaha, it’s certainly hitting the fan now! Thank you so much!! It was a lot of fun to do this page.

      Yeah. I’m excited to show y’all what’s coming. Sleepy is pretty sharp, next page she starts breaking down what is most likely going on down here as well as a big reveal of someone related to her. See y’all soon 🙂

      1. Oh mystery breakdown eh? I’m curious what you got up your sleeve 🤔

        1. I’m glad you’re curious!! Yeah what I can say is we’re about to see a cambrian explosion of characters and revelations haha. A lot of what I had planned and even stuff I said was going to happen next in the comments, was cut out and/or reworked a bit recently.

          Basically don’t trust anything I say, and I think what’s comin’ in the next few pages is real gooood heuheuheu (I’m a little biased lmao)

  16. Hey, hey October’s here bud. Those are some fun soldier designs in the WIP there. These three soldiers here seem like innocent chaps but knowing you I’m betting most of the military in this world has a mean streak. Have to ask is Socrates still making an appearance? I know you said you’re changing things up story wise. You don’t need to change Socrates. Listen to me I’m a self proclaimed writer.

    Btw. you excited for Dan Dan Dan? There’s only one answer. 😤

    1. Happy October!! I can’t believe it’s already October. Thanks, I had fun designing some of these soldiers. They can have a little more individuality in this Paradise since the dress code rules are unusually relaxed. Some interesting personalities in this Paradise’s military. You know me too well XD. Yeah a lot of the military entities in this world are very bad news. Mar, Maka, and Lex are indeed pretty harmless though haha.

      Oh most definitely will see Socrates briefly in the theater soon! I was exaggerating a bit when I said I changed a lot. just a few things cut and/or moved around to future parts of the story. But 90% of what I’ve outlined to happen for a while now, is still comin’ for sure 🙂

      Bit of a fun facts that will come into play soon, for this Paradise, Lucia has actually been actively trying to get rid of the military. The Paradise 003 military used to like 10 times bigger and stationed across Ruina. Even though Lucia’s the Queen of Paradise 003, she’s running into red tape trying to completely remove it. The Grand Council won’t let her do that. She actually also wants to get rid of General Lavavoth lmao, or at least transfer him to another Paradise. But Lavavoth is related to someone on the Grand Council, also he’s Iri’s brother, and she like Iri a lot.

      YES!! I can’t wait. Dan Dan Dan looks so good. Not to mention Hunter x Hunter manga is coming back??? Peak October. Now I just need Gachiakuta anime and Witch Hat anime to come out Ù©(⊙‿⊙)Û¶

      1. I can’t lie I’m hyped for my guy Socrates. I just find the concept of him being in this at all fucking hilarious. I’m really curious how and why he’s in this 💀. That’s pretty bold of Lucia to do in a world with all these threats. Is she taking away all “forces” in the Paradise or just military?

        1. Okay, all I can say now is…Socrates first appearance might not be what you expect…like at all XD. But I am also very hyped haha.

          Yeah it certainly is bold of Lucia! It’s really unheard of in this world for royals to consider that really. But Paradise 003 is normally a pretty peaceful sort of geographically isolated city-state, and there’s really like only a few notable external enemies within a reasonable distance at least. The closest big external organization is an ally Paradise. Which is actually why people are quicker to buy that these murders are a monster of some sort, there isn’t much serial killers since there’s so much survelliance and crap. And also just the culture I guess, Paradise 003 gets a crap ton of resources from the Grand Council (for nepotism reasons really) , so most citizens generally have their basic needs met.

          If Lucia did completely get rid of the Paradise 003 military, the Security folks probably leverage their crazy survelliance and technology (excluding mass survelliance in the tunnels because the Grand Council strongly prohibits that for some reason). Small non military defense units would probably handle anything that actually needs force. In any case she wants to scale back those entities as much as realistically possible. And prevent and mitigate crime in other ways. The King of Paradise 003 before Lucia took over was very jingoistic, so it’s quite a pendulum sing.

        2. I have no idea what you mean by “not what you expect.” I think Socrates existing in this story in any capacity is already unexpected Sounds like we’ll be seeing more of Sleepy and other soldiers soon though. I do like Sleepy so that’s a plus 💀

        3. Yeah…even by those standards I think Soc’s quick cameo will be um strange… you’ll see XD.

          Oh yeah! I finished the page I’ll post it sometime soon. Yes I like Sleepy too! And we will get a glimpse of the soldiers talking and patrolling the hallways :). Sleepy was going to make some clever (but also some possibly erroneous) conjectures about what’s going on given the little info she has to work with. But my 60 panel cut off didn’t allow time for that so it ends before she makes a few guesses. I’m really excited to slowly reveal a few things about what’s going here though. Though a lot of what is seen down here is going to stay in the dark for a long while, even after this case ends haha.

          After Sleepy’s quick contemplation, I can say we go into a quick flashback I’ve been looking forward to foreverrr! Hope to give y’all that page, like, within a few days after I post this next one. My process has gotten pretty fast, as long as I can reign in my ADHD and other obligations, we shall be golden *_*

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